There are no early warning, thanking all the residents survived

(29/10) KOGAMI volunteers combing the tsunami affected islands in the Mentawai. They come to Sibigau (South Pagai), a distance of 33 km from the port Sikakap. Here can not find anymore people because they have been evacuated to higher ground. In this village the tsunami heights ranging from 5 to 6 meters. This estimate is measured be seen from the water's edge on coconut trees. After that volunteers KOGAMI to Hamlet Village Limo Bulasat Sua.water marks on one of the houses in the village Bulasat
From a young man who survived the information that this village has never received socialization / counseling / educational preparedness. Residents do not know at all about early warning. Tsunami run up in this village about 3 to 3.5 meters (viewed from the water's edge on the pillar of the church and the walls of the house). The golden time after the quake occurred about 20 minutes. According to the young man, after the earthquake tiba2 strong thundering voice, residents immediately fled to the hills, a distance of <1 km. Alhamdulillah, all the residents in this village survived, they consist of 36 kk (157 inhabitants). Remaining only 8 houses can still be occupied, the other flat on the ground, as well as with 1 SD and 1 house of worship.


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