Multicomplex life today so I can be knocked-down "disease" strange that difficult to overcome, either by itself or immune drugs. How tricks to keep us healthy without frequent treatment. It is no secret that our bodies have immune systems that can protect the body from disease attack. That is if the system works! Sometimes like to crash. If it were so, so what can make! We are forced to seek treatment. However, it would also not hurt, trying various tricks to prevent disease to live without depending on drugs. Everywhere, which can be used to it: to prevent before it happens is better than cure that was already rife. Here are 10 tips that can help you,

1. Know yourself, whether physical or psychological 

This is somewhat philosophical, indeed, but in fact it is precisely here lies the key to everything. By knowing ourselves, we can know the physical weakness of our bodies, and then can decide what is good and don'ts for the body, and what is not. The person who has unwittingly eat foods that are salty delicacy unnecessarily, for example, over time felt his body change, as quickly felt dizzy, his balance is reduced, and often feel various symptoms of not feeling well. After a doctor examined the body, known to his body began to develop a new "disease" of high blood pressure. If it ever since he tried earnestly to reduce salty foods and fatty foods, while doing moderate exercise regularly, then the "disease" it is not easy to recurrence, and he does not need frequent trips to the doctor again.
If you have a complaint like that, example of people who know the weaknesses of his own. Likewise, people who easily upset and difficult to control myself for not knowing her own shortcomings. After identifying weaknesses, and willing to fix any adverse habits, after a long time he was adept at keeping his emotions are not easily provoked. That blessing he sought to know himself as well.